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At school


  • How to manage bullying behaviour at school
  • How to help the victims to defend themselves from bullies
  • How to manage group dynamics (bullies, victims, defenders, onlookers and outsiders)
  • How to develop an integrated school policy against bullying


  • How to deal with cyberbullying at school
  • How to make the students aware
  • What’s the best practice to implement against cyberbullying: legal and psychic-pedagogical procedures.

N.B. For more information please send an email describing the problem or requesting an appointment over the phone or face to face to define the economic parameters along with the organizational standards.

Email: info@ifos-formazione.com




Some advices (Bullypolice.org, 2007; Pisano, Saturno, 2008)



We suggest that you integrate the School Regulation by drawing up a document named Declaration of intents against bullying which should contain the following topics:a definition of harassment, threat and bullying;

a clear and express ban of all bullying behaviours, harassments and threats, carried out through the use of electronic devices too.

a description of all behaviours expected from every student and school personnelall planned punishments for any kind of bullying, threatening and harassing behaviour clear and express ban of any kind of revenge against those who report bullying, threatening and harassing behaviours to the school authorities;

Measures in place to deal with those students who make false accusations;

Strategies to protect victims from repeated bullying attacks or revenges triggered from having reported episodes of harassment;The procedure to follow in order to report bullying, threatening and harassing behaviours;

The procedure to allow those who want to anonimously report bullying, threatening and harassing behaviours (in this case no disciplinary action against the bullie should be taken)

the procedure to respond to bullying actions as soon as these are reported;

The procedure to investigate the bullying accusations and those who are responsible, provided that a report containing what has happened, has been completed;

the procedure to inform the parents of the victims about all the measures which have been put in place to fight bullying and prevent it from happening in the future;

the procedure to train and inform teachers, students, parents and all the school personnel, on identifying, preventing and fighting bullying, threatening and harassing behaviours; the declaration of how the school intends to make its policy public;

a clear and express statement that the school does not stand in the way of the victim and his/her parents should they decide to take legal action.



Some advises (Willard, 2006, Circolare 30 Novembre 2007, Mistero della Pubblica Istruzione)


To found a Safety Committee made of consultants/psychologists and teachers who are expert in using the pc and new technology

To take into account the possibility to include in the Safety Committee also students who are expert in using the pc and new technology

To carry out a cognitive investigation regarding the cyberbullying phenomenon through administration of anonymous questionnaires and/or debates with students

To inform the students, as soon as they are given authorization to use the computers in the school, that their work will be monitored by the teachers (internet usage and folders on the desktop)

To ban the use of photo and video cameras and audio recorders which are set inside mobile phones or other electronic devices without previous authorization from the person involved (Circolare Ministeriale 30 Novembre 2007)

To determine the most appropriate penalties against students who violate personal data protection rights within the school community (Circolare Ministeriale 30 Novembre 2007)

To inform and make students aware about the importance of personal data protection in order to spread the legality culture (Circolare Ministeriale 30 Novembre 2007)

To educate the students on a conscious use of the Internet by strengthening the life skills

To inform the parents about the cyberbullying issue through newsletters or workshops.



Training and Teachers Counselling (Pisano, Saturno, 2008)


  • Bullying and juvenile deviance: psychosocial aspects
  • Arrogance, deviance, juvenile criminality, and psychopathology: the rough and uncertain boundaries of bullying.
  • The social construction of identity and the transmission of violence: school, family, peer group.
  • The analysis of risk indicators and resilience factors: individual and context assessment.The origins of bullying.
  • The status of international research in the last 25 years and the models of interventions in the schools: efficiency analysis and description.

Bullying, Internet, mobile phones

The risk perception related to the use of new technology by the youngsters and their families.



Intervention methodologies: an integrated school policy against bullying

Analysis of the best practice and international action to prevent and fight bullying and cyberbullying, issued by the board of supervisors.

Institution and organization. From the action taken towards bullies to the work on the system crisis: intervention phases and techniques in order to prevent and fight the bullying phenomenon in the schools.

The five stages of the Integrated School Policy: The teachers’ role.

The teachers’, the principals’ and families’ involvement.

Rules and metarules: the creation of an agreed regulation.

Types of implemented penalties: towards making the students responsible.

Curricular, moral and humanistic approach.

The PIKAS method.Assertive training addressed to those who are victims of harassments.


Life Skills Education: promotion of positive abilities and behaviour for health purposes and for a social and personal development.

Decision-making and problem solving.

Judgmental and creative thinking.

Communication and interpersonal skills.Self-awareness and empathy.Ability to cope with stress and emotions.

Life skills and peer-education

Peer educators’ selection.

Training course for students.

Peer educators’ activities: pedagogical-informative approach and peer counselling.


Scholastic mediation

Management of conflicts among parents, students, teachers, principals and ATA personnel.

Teachers and parents training.


When and how to appeal to the Judicial Authority

D.P.R 448/88: Code of juvenile penal proceeding. General aspects (precautionary measures, validating hearing of the arrest, epilogues of the preliminary investigation stage, preliminary hearing, l’art. 32 c.p.p.m, partial judgment debate, security measures)

Functioning of the Juvenile Court: civil, penal and administrative division.

Crimes and ways of proceeding: difference between crimes where the violated individual takes legal action and those whereby legal action is taken from just knowing the course of events.

Informing the juvenile proxy: the job of the juvenile justice-social services, Department of Justice and Social Services of the local body.


mag 21, 2020

IFOS  - sezione Stress, Traumi e Supporto psicologico per Emergenza COVID 19 - in collaborazione con Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno

Pubblicata la ricerca "TRAUMA PANDEMIA. Gli effetti psicologici del coronavirus sulla vita dei bambini Gli esiti dell’indagine esplorativa condotta su 5989 genitori residenti in Sardegna.

Pisano L., Cerniglia L. (2020)

feb 7, 2020

IFOS è Provider Nazionale per il rilascio di crediti ECM - Educazione Continua in Medicina (Ministero della Salute) ed è accreditato presso l'Ordine Nazionale degli Assistenti sociali per l'organizzazione di eventi formativi e per il rilascio di crediti.

gen 15, 2020

Corsi e Master CON IL PATROCINIO DEL Dipartimento di Storia, Società e Studi sull'uomo, UNIVERSITA' DEL SALENTO.

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