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School nurses

School nurses

Training and Counselling At main office


Bullying and other aggressive behaviours: “differential diagnosis”

Intervention methodologies:

Scholastic Integrated Policy against bullyingCurricular, moral, legal, humanistic approach and Peer Education

Intervention with the class group, counselling to teachers, ATA personnel and parents


The school Security Committee against cyberbullying: guideline

How to make the students aware

What to do against cyberbullying: psycho-pedagogical and legal procedures


N.B. For more information please send an email describing the problem or requesting an appointment over the phone or face to face to define the economic parameters along with the organizational standards.

Email: info@ifos-formazione.com


Training and School nurses Counselling (Pisano, Saturno, 2008)


Bullying and violent behaviours

1.The roots of contentiousness: psicho-biological, relational and social aspects.

2.The consequences of violence on peoples’ life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood.

3.Bullying: risk and resilience indicators. Detection tools.

4.International bullying research: options for taking action in junior and senior high schools.


Intervening methodologies: a school policy integrated against bullying

1.Institution and organization. From working on the bullie to working on the system crisis: the phases and techniques to intervene in order to prevent and fight the bullying phenomenon in schools.

2.Counselling for teachers, principals, ATA personnel: questions’ analysis and conversation techniques.

3.Family involvement: managing parents.

4.The consultant in the school system. L’omeostasi: the reluctance of teachers, families and students to change.

5.School legislation with relation to bullying and cyberbullying (Direttive ministeriali e DPR)

Cyberbullying and Security Committee against online harassment

1.Different types of cyberbullying

2.Security school committee: responsibilities and targets

3.Involvement of peer students and teachers who are experts in new technology

4.Cases where it becomes necessary to involve the police

Working closely with the class

1.The consultant role in the changing process.

2.Managing the class: best practice and tools.


1.Peer education: From training bullies to their direct action in order to prevent and fight bullying in school.

2.From aggressive actions to the bullie’s pro-social behaviour: case study.

Scholastic mediation

1.Managing conflicts between parents, students, teachers, principals and ATA personnel.

2.The job of the consultant: areas and methodologies of work.

When and how to involve the Judiciary Authority

1.D.P.R 448/88: The code of juvenile penal procedure. General aspects ( precautionary measures of prevention, the hearing for the validation of the arrest, the finale stage of the preliminary investigation, the preliminary hearing art. 32 c.p.p.m, the ruling, the debate and the security measures)

2.The working of the Juvenile Court: civil, penal and administrative section. Crimes and ways of proceeding: differences between crimes where the violated individual takes legal action and those whereby legal action is taken from just knowing the course of events

3.Informing the juvenile proxy: the job of the juvenile justice-social services, Department of Justice and Social Services of the local body.


mag 21, 2020

IFOS  - sezione Stress, Traumi e Supporto psicologico per Emergenza COVID 19 - in collaborazione con Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno

Pubblicata la ricerca "TRAUMA PANDEMIA. Gli effetti psicologici del coronavirus sulla vita dei bambini Gli esiti dell’indagine esplorativa condotta su 5989 genitori residenti in Sardegna.

Pisano L., Cerniglia L. (2020)

feb 7, 2020

IFOS è Provider Nazionale per il rilascio di crediti ECM - Educazione Continua in Medicina (Ministero della Salute) ed è accreditato presso l'Ordine Nazionale degli Assistenti sociali per l'organizzazione di eventi formativi e per il rilascio di crediti.

gen 15, 2020

Corsi e Master CON IL PATROCINIO DEL Dipartimento di Storia, Società e Studi sull'uomo, UNIVERSITA' DEL SALENTO.

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